1. The Society shall be called the Danish Society For Matrix Biology (DSMB).
2. The Society shall be member of Matrix Biology Europe (MBE)
3. The objects of the Society shall be as follows:
a) To advance the science of connective tissue, extracellular matrix biology and related subjects;
b) To further public education therein
c) To promote study and research work on connective tissues, extracellular matrix biology and related
d) To disseminate information on all matters affecting connective tissue and related subjects
f) To hold seminar, lectures, discussion groups, conferences and symposia
g) To raise money for the purposes and for the promotion of the objects of the Society on such terms as the Executive Committee shall consider expedient in the interests of the Society
h) To raise and invite and receive contributions from single persons or institutions by way of subscriptions, donations and otherwise.
4. The Honorary Officers of the Society shall be a Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
5. There shall be an Executive Committee of the Society consisting of the officers and 2-4 other elected members. A quorum shall be 4 members, including two officers of the Society.
6. The Executive Committee shall prepare the Agenda for meetings of the Society, and between meetings shall act as necessary on behalf of the Society; it shall report on any such actions to the next meeting of the Society.
7. The Officers of the Society and the other members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by ballot for a period of two years. Ballots may be held at the annual general meeting (AGM), or by post or electronic media.
8. The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall not hold that office for more than six consecutive years, but they shall be eligible for election to any other office in the Society.
9. Any vacancy occurring in the committee other than by annual retirement may be filled by another member of the Society to be elected by the Committee. The Committee will have power to co-opt additional members.
10. Membership of the Society shall be open to scientists who share the stated purpose of the Society. The application for membership should be approved by the executive committee.
11. The Executive Committee shall have the power to recommend to the AGM the termination of a membership if such termination appears to them to be in the interests of the Society. The member shall have the option to appeal against this termination at the AGM for a final decision by members.
12. Members shall pay to the Society an annual, non-refundable, subscription the amount of such subscription being determined at an Annual General Meeting of the Society and continuing in force until changed at a subsequent one. The Committee shall have the power to terminate membership if a member fails to pay his/her subscription after due notice has been given.
13. The funds and estates of the Society shall be derived from the annual subscriptions of members, donations, grants and other endowments accepted by the Executive committee on behalf of the Society. They shall be administered by the Treasurer, acting on instructions given by the Executive Committee or by the Society at its Annual General meeting, for the furtherance of the objects of the Society.
14. The accounts of the Society shall be audited annually and a report made by the Treasurer to the Annual General Meeting.
15. In the event of the Society being dissolved for any reason, the surplus funds remaining after satisfaction of debts and liabilities shall not be distributed among the members but shall be paid or transferred to some other charitable institution of institutions having objects similar to those of the Society and which shall prohibit the distribution of its or their income among its or their members. Such institution or institutions shall be determined by the members of the Society at or before the time of dissolution, and if effect cannot be given to this provision, the surplus funds shall be devoted to some charitable object or objects.
16. The Annual General Meeting (and, when necessary, an Extraordinary General Meeting) shall be held at a place and time decided by the Committee. The Secretary shall circulate the Agenda to all members at least 3 weeks before the meeting. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by at least 1/3 of the ordinary members of the Society. At least two months notice to the Secretary must be
17. Scientific meetings and symposia relating to the objects of the Society shall be arranged from time
to time by the Committee. One such meeting may immediately precede or follow the Annual General
Meeting. Reports of proceedings shall not be disclosed to the press, unless authorised by the Executive
18. Any alterations to this Constitution shall be made only at a General Meeting of the Society, provided that notice of such alterations has been given on the Agenda of the meeting and that two-thirds or more of those voting on the alteration signify their assent. Members unable to attend the meeting shall be entitled to vote by post or by electronic mail. Notice of any proposed alteration, duly seconded, shall be given to the Secretary at least two months before the meeting.